Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Welcome to our blog.  We are happy you took the time to come learn a little more about us!

After three years of unsucessfully trying to get pregnant, Sean and I have decided to grow our family through adoption.  I was recently diagnosed with premature ovarian failure which is a condition that leaves my chances of getting pregnant less than 8%.   Needless to say, hearing that was rather devastating.  Sean and I have wanted to share our love with a child for so know that the chances of us doing such on our own are so low is a very hard concept to come to terms with.

Because we have been trying to get pregnant and going through countless treatments for so long, Sean and I have had many discussions and lots of time to think about adoption.  At first we didn't know what to make of adoption.  I think when you are doing so much in the hopes of getting pregnant, adoption feels like something you pursue when all other options have failed.  But one day, while sitting in church on a seemingly normal day, I suddenly had an overwhelming feeling.  I felt the Spirit strongly telling me that Sean and I were meant to adopt.  It was a very wonderful and peaceful feeling, giving me confirmation that Sean and I were on the right path.  I suddenly felt so at ease with the idea of pursuing an adoption.

Sitting there in the pew, I thought about how ready I am to be a mother and to give a child all my love.  I know that Sean is more than ready too.  I discussed the prompting I had received with Sean, and he whole heartedly agreed that he was ready to explore adoption too.

Sean and I know that we will be loving, kind parents.  We want to share our lives with many children and hope to grow our family to include at least three children one day.  We have so much love to share!

While treading this unfamiliar and somewhat intimidating territory, we have been blessed with families and friends that are very supportive of our decision.  Each have done all they can in speeding along the often lengthy adoption process,  and helping to get the word out about our decision.  I know in my heart that they do this because they want us to be parents as much as we do.  I’ve known all along that I would be a mother someday, but I never imagined that it would involve so much trial, tribulation, and heartache.  For the first time in a long time, Sean and I finally feel the excitement of hope again.  We know we are doing the right thing, and we know that our Heavenly Father has a hand in all of this.  As we move forward, we hope  that we can find someone out there who wants to share this journey with us, and who deems us worthy of the opportunity to become parents.

If you are a birthparent and might be interested in getting to know more about us,  please let us know.   We are so excited to be parents.  We will love, cherish, teach, and guide your child.  Sean and I are extremely close and have a great marriage.  In fact, I feel that our infertility and everything we've gone through in dealing with it has made us even closer.  Like every young couple, we've had our ups and downs, but with ten wonderful and hard years together, we know that our marriage is healthy, solid, and that we will be together forever.  I know that Sean is here for me, and likewise, I will always be there for him.  It is a great feeling, but something that doesn't come without a foundation built upon sacrifice, trust, and love.  Because of our dedication to each other, we know we have so much to offer a child.  We have a wonderful home to raise our children in, and we will ensure that our children understand Sean's and my love for one another and for our children.

The trials we've experienced in not being able to have biological children has made us want a family of our own all the more.  We understand that because we are choosing to adopt, we are being given a great responsibility to give our future children all the best.  Sean and I are open to an open adoption so that our birth parents can share in the child's growth and learning.  We plan on always telling our children about the miracle of how they came to us, and about the love their birth parents had in making the decision to place them in our arms.  Likewise, we cannot express the respect we feel for you for making such a hard and mature decision to place your child in the loving arms of someone else.

If you would like to know more about us, please contact us at  Thank you.